Pricing in the Nordic generic market is very challenging. Understanding the mechanism and the competitive environment will add significant value to your business.
Everyone can lower a price and crash a market. 1Point Pharma is highly focused on optimizing prices at any point of time.
We are operating with the most sophisticated analyzing tool available in the Nordic.
The combination of pricing analysis, sales data in any detail and a solid market knowledge gives us the opportunity to evaluate your access to the Nordic market.
Actual price data flows fluently into the pricing tool, in which we can generate an overview showing both competition, prices and own inventory levels. This enables us to quickly assess the price developments and take appropriate actions.
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company, services or highlights?
Then give us a call +45 27 80 80 99
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Do you want to know more about our company, services or highlights?
Then give us a call +45 27 80 80 99 or send us an email
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